Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Supernatural mid season return thoughts - Evil Dean FTW

Who is not a fan of Supernatural? I believe this show has the most prominent fan base ever and you can see memes of Dean just about everywhere on the internet. But how did the Season 10 mid season come back fared last night? I dare say pretty well. Who doesn't like an evil Dean? Everybody loves an evil Dean. I think over the years, the most satisfying story lines we got where when one of the boys turned evil. I mean, Sam drinking demon blood has to be my favorite moment of the show. Now Dean is going full on psychopath because of the mark of Cain
and I love it. He's just more badass than usual, what's wrong with that? They obviously need to get rid of that mark however, so the sweet kitten Dean can make a come back and not go on a rampage every time someone cuts in line in front of him. And that's where Metatron enters the playing field. This little piece of shit. This guy's face is just unbearable it's ridiculous. Great casting if you ask me and as usual, the dude is unhelpful and vicious.

The most interesting part of this episode however, was happening below ground for me: in hell. Everybody has come to adore Crowley who is your typical anti-hero. He's so adorable and funny, even if he kills people - which we haven't seen him do in a while - you can't help but root for the guy. He's part of the boys club now - Not moose, Moose, Cas and the demon on the brothers' shoulders. We all love him. There is an interesting intrigue going on in Hell with Crowley's witchy Scottish mother. First, what an accent. I just wish I could hear her talk forever. Second, she's pretty good at whatever scheme she has put together. We're still not sure what exactly she wants, but if the clues from last night gave us anything is that she wants to be Queen of hell in place of her baby boy. That would suck! You wish that Crowley would see through her and just kick her huge head out but he doesn't. Yet. It is somewhat understandable when you have seen Crowley be a pretty shady King so far and it would be more than natural if he had a few rebellious subject in his ranks. He always had doubts about the stability of his reign and the loyalty of his subject. His mom is just playing on that and it is working.

We all hope Crowley gets the better of her, with her Scottish accent, her tiny body and her big head. Anyway, this is a good side story that also involves the first blade so we're all in. Obviously, this is the first episode of the second half of the season so I expected it to be plot heavy. I doubt they will continue like this in the next episodes. As we know and have come to expect, Supernatural focuses on the main plot from episode 1 to 2, 10 to 12 and 21 to 23. The previous "monster of the week" episodes have been pretty great so far this season so I am not bothered about that at all. We all saw that Supernatural had been renewed for an eleventh season too. It has surprised me to hear this since the end of Season 6 to be honest but I love the creative licences they took these past seasons and I hope they keep doing that in the next ones. We love a Supernatural that doesn't take itself too seriously and I have faith it will stay that way. However, I am wondering where the plot is going to go after this Demon Dean/Mark of Cain business. Is it going to be Sam's turn to be evil again? Is one of them going to die at the end of this season as usual? There are two sure things, Metatron is up to something and Hell will be in peril if Crowley gets the boot. Whatever happens, I will be watching, because it's Supernatural and Dean approves.

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