Friday, January 16, 2015

Man Seeking Woman - It Was Weird

Oh that awkward moment when you break up. That's harsh. It does seem to be much harsher on this guy however, as I do not recall having dead pigeons falling on my face ever.

I wanted to talk about this show because I feel like we are lacking good comedies on TV right now. Your "Modern Family" and "Big Bang Theory" have gone on for a while with the same jokes and not much of a story to steer them clear of cliches. I fell in love with "You're the worst" which I thought was brilliantly written and funny. I love myself a good grumpy Englishman. So I was excited to see that FXX was walking in its sister network's footsteps with Man Seeking Woman.

I didn't know what to expect before watching that show and I felt awkward coming in the credits with its weird ass music and hipster vibe. I really thought this show would take itself too seriously. And in comes the troll. I was like: whaaaaaaaa? I was asking myself a million questions and I thought the trick would last for a couple of seconds but it didn't. They stuck with it and I fell on the floor
laughing when Josh (Jay Baruchel) was left to talk to a troll at the restaurant table, answered only by grunts and awesomely acted crazy looks. Jay did the most amazing job with his monologue and I was in. I was even more in when came the nightclub scene where Josh awkwardly tries to pick up a pretty girl as she continues her conversation saying "there's this weird guy, he just asked me what's my deal".

I was a bit slow to understand what that troll was supposed to represent but I got it when I saw Adolph. This was when I understood what this show was all about. Josh meets his ex-girlfriend new boyfriend and yes it happens to be Adolph Hitler.
And he drops one liners like "don't make it awkward for the jew" and that's just gold. Josh ultimately says what every person thinks of their ex new partners: "I'm better than Hitler". We are all better than the next person who gets to be with our ex. That's just how we feel. By the end of this show, I realized that what it did extremely well is showing with moving images what a feeling is. This little comedy made me laugh out loud of course but it did make me smile a lot at the end. When he's being applauded for being able to get a girl's number and he feels like a million dollar, you feel like a million dollar right with him. I found that the writing was excellent but most of all the mise en scene and the depiction of a feeling on a screen was pretty original. I am not sure how sustainable the concept is and how long I could go along with the over the top and literal humor but it was a good first episode, it was funny and that's what a comedy is supposed to be.

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