Americans are way too prude and politically correct. Seriously, take a chill pill. I never thought it would be possible to be offended by so many things. Why so serious? The Joker should seriously pay you a visit you guys. This is blatantly obvious when celebrities say something they think and have to apologize ten times. This is also too obvious in the workplace. I hate it. Coming from London and a very inclusive work environment, I hate the fact that I can't joke around with my coworkers and that I can't ask someone I have known for about 6 months if they are gay. To me, these things are just normal and I want to be able to have an open, honest and deep relationship with people I meet, no mater their sexual orientation, religion or what not. I do not care. I just want to be able to talk about it because if you don't, this is exactly when the problems develop and you end up living in this limbo of "should I, shouldn't I" that is way worse. Talking about my gay coworkers' boyfriend shouldn't be offensive, not to my coworker and not to other people who might be around. Having someone on the phone at work saying that "lesbian and gay kids are the problem in our society", yes, that is offensive (the guy who said that was obese by the way, and lazy and mean). Having an inquisitive conversation about someone you like as a person: not offensive.
Then there is comedy. Banter as I call it. That's also not allowed. I personally do not care. I will joke around and pick on you as much as I can. I will poke fun at your age, your religion, your height, your work. I make jokes and I am sarcastic. Are all these based on stereotypes, first impressions and generalization, of course. Something's funny not because it's abstract and a work of fiction, it's funny because there is an element of truth behind it. I am French. Our stereotype: we're lazy, eat a tone of baguettes and are libertines. All true. All not offensive. There obviously are people who are hard working (not many), some that only have 1 sexual partner in their life (unlikely but ok) and some that do not eat baguette (this is impossible). You can make as much fun of me as you want, I will never take offense, you know why? Because I know who I am and I am not threatened by anything one might say.
Now, I am sure everybody has been debating this "Dear Fat People" video from Nicole Arbour. I have to say, this is one of the funniest thing I have ever seen. Everything she says in this video is true and people who are obese, as she clearly says, not just chubby but obese, and eating more than their body weight at every meal need to be made fun of. This is ridiculous. And before everybody comes jumping at me as they did her, don't start about fucking depression and shit. Some people are not depressed, some are just lazy asses who want to eat whatever they want, are greedy, lazy and stupid, that's just a fact. They just don't give a fuck (pretty sure they're the same people who don't recycle and obviously are not vegan). Now, why is everybody so offended by this video? I do not understand. She's right on every single point and I think that's what people cannot stomach. They know it's true but political correctness and bullshit prevent them from being smart. You should be able to make fun of anything and everyone, especially when they deserve it. People who have fun and joke about things are actually the ones that are the less prejudiced and the more open minded of them all. If I joke about gay people it's because I am that comfortable with it (my mom is a lesbian). We should all embrace that, it would make for a much more open, fun and bearable world! Below, the socially relevant, bullshit breaking, incredibly smart and hilarious Nicole Arbour:
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