I haven't read many reviews of
Jurassic World but I have watched my "go to" reviewer on Youtube (aka Jeremy Jahns) and he didn't like it very much. I didn't either. I kind of hated it.

I understand that I might not be the target audience for this film but I like myself a good blockbuster with charismatic stars and plenty of action. I do, however, like good writing and good dialogue, too. I did indeed get action, at least in the last half hour. I remember when I first watched Jurassic Park, I was perhaps 6 and had dinosaur nightmares for a week after that. I obviously watched it again many times and it holds a charm that no sequel could ever attempt to match. I am pretty sure everybody agrees on that. Jurassic Park was an original, eye widening and thrilling movie with ok acting and the Blum. The comic relief was pretty exceptional and even though you could stumble upon some grotesque characters and situations, this was definitely seldom.
I found myself laughing at Jurassic World from minute one. The first piece of dialogue between the teenager (I don't even remember his name that's how strongly I didn't give a shit about him) and his girlfriend was laughably cheesy. The airport scene was even worst with very poor acting from the two brothers. I believe these two were what I hated most about this film. Their acting was well below par and their scenes were forced and lacking meaning. Their dialogue was flat and poorly delivered. Exhibit 1: the truck scene where the older brother talks about a time when the younger brother was scared. Exhibit 2: the tram scene when the younger brother talks about his parents splitting out of the blue for no reason. Exhibit 3: anytime the older brother creepily stares at young females. To be fair, the adults didn't fare much better. There was no chemistry between Pratt and Howard. Their lines bounced back and forth between each other without clear intent and even though Chris Pratt had a couple of good funny moments, they were extremely few and far between.

I laughed at these characters more than I laughed with them. I didn't understand the purpose of that French guy throwing French keywords at us either. The action was good however and as a monster movie, it delivers. They didn't give enough good material to Chris Pratt to work with but they definitely gave it their all on the dinosaurs' fights and chases. I cared more about the raptors by the end of the movie than I cared about any of the human characters. Blue was my favorite character in this film. He was a friend, a hero, he was a anti-hero, he was awesome. I believe Blue had more depth than any other characters in this mess. Was it the intent? I will be fair, this movie made me care about the animals and about the dinosaurs, as a Jurassic Park sequel should. I was sad to see some of them die and I was on their side the whole time. They did manage to make me feel something and I am happy to have been emotionally involved somehow in this movie. However, I am an animal lover and I wonder if this might have only happened because of my personality. What if I didn't give a crap about animals (dear Lord.)? Would I have found any redeeming features to this movie? Probably not. Wait. The hamster ball was pretty sick. Overall, the park's attractions were impressive and were looking awesome. But then again, it did make me feel like I was watching a live stream of Sea World and I wanted to punch everybody on screen. I experienced a whole lot of contradictory emotions watching Jurassic World. Just one additional side note, anybody else found the crowd rushing towards to Jeep backing up in a corner SO fake and weird? They could have made such a better film, this looked rushed and lazy. I do not tolerate lazy.
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